Virtue among Desert people:

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Virtue among Desert people:

Honesty ,Friendship ,love of your father and mother , love of your country are good things. We call them virtues .Telling lies and taking things that do not belong to you are bad things we call them vices.
The people of the desert live simply in quite small groups ,they like people who show virtue in their behavior and think badly of those who are famous for their vices.

One day a man was crossing the desert on a very good horse ,he met a man who pretended that he was sick, the owner of the horse was sorry for him ,put him on his horse and led the horse by the reins, after a time the sick man said to the owner of the horse, ”I feel better now, let me hold the reins.”, the man trusted the thief and gave him the reins, as soon as he had them in his hands, he kicked the horse and hurried away.
The man shouted after him ,”Come back. Don’t break our people’s trust in one another” ,the thief heard this shout but didn’t stop , later he thought about the words and knew that his behaviour was against the rules of the desert.

The other man sat down and rested ,he did not think he would see his horse again, then he saw dust rising from the road in the distance ,and soon the thief rode back ,he got off the horse and gave it to its owner ,the man was very glad to get his horse back and invited the thief to sit down and eat a meal with him,they become good friends,and the man who was nearly a thief became a respected man in his tribe.

----THE END----

*My comment:
If you think you’re bad …and people running from your side…don’t think it’s too late to change your behaviours and your life..people always love the honest & reliable person.